GPeHealth News

Wellness4Rare Program: Mental Health Support for families with children diagnosed with ectodermal dysplasia.

Wellness4Rare is a 3-month digital mental health program delivering daily, bite-sized pieces of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) via email. These messages are specifically designed to support the mental wellbeing of families with children diagnosed with ectodermal dysplasia. This program was developed by researchers and mental health experts at Dalhousie University and is offered by the Global Psychological e-Health Foundation, in partnership with the National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasia (NFED), and the Canadian Ectodermal Dysplasia Syndromes Association (CEDSA). It is funded by the Global Genes Mental Health Impact Grant and the Dalhousie University Department of Psychiatry Research Fund. 

You can subscribe to the Wellness4Rare Program by click on the link:

Updated September 10th 2024

Text4Hope-RS Program: Mental Health Support for people affected by the heavy floods in May 2024 in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Text4Hope-RS is a free, self-subscription, daily supportive text message intervention based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), designed to support to people affected by the heavy floods in May 2024 in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Text4Hope-RS is a ResilienceNHope program funded by the the Global Psychological eHealth Foundation, Alberta Mental Health Foundation, the Royal Bank of Canada Foundation with support from the Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, and the Division of Community Psychiatry at the University of Alberta. 

You can subscribe to the Text4Hope-RS Program by completing a short survey from this link: Text4Hope-RS - Inscreva-se aqui! (

Note that the program will not respond to subscriber messages and sending messages may result in costs if you text back. If in crisis, call you local crisis line.

Updated August 5th 2024

Wellness4MDs Program: Mental Health Support for Physicians, Residents and Medical Students in Canada.

Wellness4MDs is a free, self-subscription, daily supportive text message intervention based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), designed to address stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression, build resilience, and improve professional satisfaction among physicians, post-graduate medical trainees and medical students.

Wellness4MDs is a ResilienceNHope program funded by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Foundation, the Global Psychological eHealth Foundation, Alberta Mental Health Foundation, the Royal Bank of Canada Foundation with support from the Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, and the Division of Community Psychiatry at the University of Alberta. 

You can subscribe to the Wellness4MDs Program by texting WELLMD to 1-855-947-4673. Each day you will receive a message with or without a related web link to provide support and build coping skills for managing stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. You can stop receiving the messages by replying STOP at any time you want.  

Note that the program will not respond to subscriber messages and sending messages may result in costs if you text back. If in crisis, call 988.

Updated February 5th 2024

Programme Bien-être4MDs: Soutien en santé mentale pour les médecins, les résidents et les étudiants en médecine au Canada.

Programme Bien-être4MDs est une intervention quotidienne gratuite par SMS de soutien par auto-abonnement basée sur la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC), conçue pour lutter contre le stress, l'épuisement professionnel, l'anxiété et la dépression, renforcer la résilience et améliorer la satisfaction professionnelle des médecins, des stagiaires en médecine postuniversitaires et étudiants en médecine.

Programme Bien-être4MDs, inspiré du programme ResilienceNHope. La Fondation du Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada, la Global Psychological eHealth Foundation, l’Alberta Mental Health Foundation et la RBC Fondation ont fourni l’aide financière pour le programme Bien-être4MDs, qui bénéficie du soutien du département de psychiatrie de l’Université Dalhousie et de la division de psychiatrie communautaire de l’Université de l’Alberta.

Vous pouvez vous abonner au programme Bien-être4MDs en envoyant un SMS à BIENMD au 1-855-947-4673. Chaque jour, vous recevrez un message avec ou sans lien Web connexe pour vous fournir un soutien et développer vos capacités d'adaptation à la gestion des symptômes du stress, de l'anxiété et de la dépression. Vous pouvez arrêter de recevoir les messages en répondant STOP à tout moment.

Notez que le programme ne répondra pas aux messages des abonnés et que l'envoi de messages peut entraîner des frais si vous répondez par SMS. En cas de crise, appelez le 988.

Updated February 5th 2024

Wellness4Teachers-Zambia Program: Mental Health Support for Teachers in Zambia.

Wellness4Teachers-Zambia is a free, self-subscription, daily supportive email message intervention based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), designed to address stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression, build resilience, and improve professional satisfaction among elementary and high school teachers.

Wellness4Teachers is a ResilienceNHope program funded by the Alberta Mental Health Foundation and the Global Psychological eHealth Foundation, with support from the Division of Community Psychiatry at the University of Alberta, the Department of Psychiatry at Dalhousie University, and delivered in partnership with researchers at Lusaka Apex Medical University.

Teachers in Zambia can subscribe to the Wellness4Teachers Program accessing the subscription link from here:

Each day you will receive a message with or without a related web link to provide support and build coping skills for managing stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. You can stop receiving the messages by clicking an unsubscribe link in the email.  

Note that the program will not respond to subscriber messages and sending messages may result in costs if you text back. If in crisis, call your local crisis number.

Updated June 4th 2023

Wellness4Teachers Program: Mental Health Support for Teachers in Canada.

Wellness4Teachers is a free, self-subscription, daily supportive text message intervention based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), designed to address stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression, build resilience, and improve professional satisfaction among elementary and high school teachers.

Wellness4Teachers is a ResilienceNHope program funded by the Alberta Mental Health Foundation and the Global Psychological eHealth Foundation, with support from the Division of Community Psychiatry at the University of Alberta, the Department of Psychiatry at Dalhousie University, the Nova Scotia Teachers Union, and the Alberta Teacher's Association.

You can subscribe to the Wellness4Teachers Program by texting TEACHWELL to 1-844-618-1234. Each day you will receive a message with or without a related web link to provide support and build coping skills for managing stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. You can stop receiving the messages by replying STOP at any time you want.  

Note that the program will not respond to subscriber messages and sending messages may result in costs if you text back. If in crisis, call 911.

Updated January 4th 2023

Hope4Ukraine: Mental health support for Canadians impacted by the war in Ukraine

Resilience&Hope4Ukraine program offers free daily supportive text messages for residents of Canada who have been impacted by the war in Ukraine. Each day you will receive a message with or without a related web link, to provide support and build coping skills for managing stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. Resilience&Hope4Ukraine is provided by the RBC Foundation and the Alberta Mental Health Foundation in collaboration with the Global Psychological eHealth Foundation and the Departments of Psychiatry at the University of Alberta and Dalhousie University. Note, the program will not respond to subscriber messages and sending messages may result in costs if you text back. If in crisis, call 911. 

You can subscribe to the English program by texting “Hope4Ukraine” to 393939

You can subscribe to the French, Ukrainian and Russian programs by texting the relevant keyword to 18554502266

Ukrainian Program: Надія4Україна
Ukrainian Keyword:

Russian Program: надеяться4Украина
Russian Keyword: Украина

French Program: Espoir4Ukraine
French Keyword: Espoir4Ukraine

Note that the program will not respond to subscriber messages and sending messages may result in costs if you text back. If in crisis, call 911.

Updated March 10th 2022